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3D Printing, AI & Development of the Ohmni Robot by Composites Weekly

July 18, 2018


OhmniLabs co-founder Jared Go was a guest in an episode of Composites Weekly podcast. Read the episode write up below: 

When discussing AI and robotics, our first response is to imagine how this technology will one day replace human interaction. My guest this week, however, discusses how their company is using robotics to better facilitate it. This week I welcome Jared Go, co-founder of the Robot development company OhmniLabs, a company that is building all of their robots through scalable lean 3D manufacturing or additive manufacturing.

When the company was founded back in 2015, their main goal was to reinvent the traditional robotics development process. They wanted to build a hardware company that was a lot more like a software company in terms of flexibility and iteration speed. 

Ohmni robots are manufactured in Silicon Valley, California and their team of 15 run clusters of their own custom-designed 3D printers and automation/management software (OhmniLabs SCALE system) that allows them to crank out hundreds of kilograms of plastic parts a month. Their turnaround time internally for additive manufacturing is less than 24 hours; whereas involving an external supplier for injection moulded parts can often take 2-6 weeks.

Jared, along with his two other co-founders Tingxi Tan and Thuc Vu, are robotics experts from Carnegie Mellon and Stanford who believe that personal consumer robots can make a positive impact on people’s everyday lives.

Jared is an Avid maker and roboticist. He has extensive experience in software, AI, real-time graphics, VR, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering.

In this episode, we’ll be discussing how OhmniLabs is using additive manufacturing technology to build their robots in-house when most people believe that 3D printing is not ready to be used for full production.

Click on this link to listen to the full podcast: and for more on the Ohmni telepresence robot, click here.


About Robots4Good

A leading provider of robots as a service, Robots4Good is the exclusive supplier of OhmniLabs robots and services in Australia and New Zealand for business, manufacturing, schools, hospitals, disability and aged care settings.