Never Miss Out Again: Virtually Attend Events with Ohmni Telepresence
Never Miss Out Again: Virtually Attend Events with Ohmni Telepresence

Tired of missing out on exciting events and gatherings due to distance or travel restrictions?
Gone are the days of feeling left out or disconnected.
With Ohmni Telepresence Robot, you can be virtually present and actively participate in any event, no matter where you are! Navigate the vibrant event space, interact with exhibitors and attendees, and soak in the lively atmosphere - as if you were physically there. It's like having your very own personalised avatar, bringing the event to life right before your eyes.
Say goodbye to FOMO, and embrace the convenience and excitement of being virtually present at any event, anytime, anywhere.
See this article of Ohmni robots being used in an event.
About Robots4Good
As a leading provider of robots as a service, Robots4Good is the exclusive supplier of OhmniLabs services and robots in Australia and New Zealand for business, manufacturing, schools, hospitals, disability and aged care settings.